Personal Profile
Kimariyb, undergraduated from Jiangxi University of Science and Technology, majoring in software engineering and financial direction. Kimariyb has a wide range of research interests and specializes in interdisciplinary research in chemistry and computer science. Kimariyb’s current research interests include computational chemistry, machine learning, and data visualization. Kimariyb also enjoys a wide range of hobbies after school, including swimming, running, guitar, music, flute, and more!
- Degree of Bachelor : Software Engineering, Jiangxi University of Science and Technology (2019-2023)
- Degree of Master : Radio Physics, Xiamen University (2023-2026)
Skills and Research Interests
- Programming languages:
Java, Python, C#, Go, JavaScript
- Frameworks and tools:
Spring, MyBatis, Git, RabbitMQ, Redis
- Computational chemistry tools:
Gaussian, ORCA, CP2K, Multiwfn, AICD, GIMIC
- Visualization software:
GaussView, VMD, ParaView, Chemdraw
- Research interests:
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Computational Chemistry
Project Experience
- ikunsVideo: Developed an online video player platform using Go and Beego framework, which includes Video playback, video upload, video display and other functions. (2023)
- KimariPlot: an open-source plotting software developed in Python, primarily used for quickly creating common energy profile found in scientific literature. (2023)
- KimariDraw: KimariDraw is an open-source plotting software based on Python, specifically designed to process data generated by the well-known wavefunction analysis program Multiwfn when plotting spectra, and to redraw beautiful and clear spectra. (2023)
- EasyShermo: EasyShermo is a Python script for the fully automated batch execution of the thermodynamic quantity calculation program Shermo, also available in Go. (2023)
- pySubplots: pySubplots is an open source Python plotting script, integrated Python Matplotlib, Proplot and other visualization modules, specifically for multi-subplots. (2023)
- KYBNMR: KYBNMR is a scripting program for fully automated calculation of NMR of large molecules by Kimariyb using Go language. (2023)
Honors and Awards
- 3rd Prize, Award on Chinese Chemistry Olympiad (Preliminary), CChO Oct. 2017
Contact Information
- Email:
- Github: